Disposable Try On Panties
The Try On Panties and Hygienic Liners work as a complete system. The Hygienic Liner protects the ladies’ swimsuit while being tried on. The Disposable Try-On Panty protects the customer while trying on the swimsuit. It also provides them with a better fit during try-ons than their underwear. This results in less merchandise being returned or marked out of stock due to being soiled. This completely hygienic method is greatly appreciated by both the customer and also your employees. This process also creates a significantly higher rate of satisfaction by the customer which results in higher sales and repeat customers! They are designed to prioritize hygiene and cleanliness. Each panty is crafted with soft and breathable materials that ensure a comfortable fit to avoid panty lines while trying on the garment to get a true fit.
Our Disposable Panties
Disposable Panty FAQs
How should I dispose of used Try On Disposable Panties?
To dispose of used disposable panties, simply wrap them back up in the original clear poly bag they came in or use a plastic bag to contain them. Make sure to seal the bag securely before placing it in a designated trash bin. Avoid flushing disposable panties down the toilet as they can cause plumbing issues. Proper disposal helps maintain cleanliness and prevents any potential spread of bacteria.
Can the Try On Disposable Panties be used multiple times?
No, the Try On Disposable Panties and swimsuit labels are designed for single-use only. They are meant to provide a fresh and hygienic experience with Try On. Once a client has used a Try On Panty they should be disposed of.
Are Disposable Try On Panties environmentally friendly?
Typically, disposable panties are not considered environmentally friendly due to their single-use nature. However, we continue to innovate and research new materials that are being developed. It is our goal to create a Try On Panty that is compostable. Please contact us if you are interested in a Sustainable Try On Panty.